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HEART OF WRATH 3D copy.jpf

SYNOPSIS: After Germany capitulates in 1918 a young German soldier, recovering from his wounds, vows for vengeance against Britain, and finally in 1933 succeeds in becoming the German Führer from where he can plan his revenge.

As the fascists secure power, Wernher von Braun, a young civilian scientist who, at the cost of his conscience, joins the Nazi Party and develops weaponised rockets as it appears to be the only path to his dreams of space travel.

As the rockets develop the political stability of Europe collapses as the fascists rise and attack. With Europe all but defeated in under twenty days Britain stands alone on the edge of invasion. Despite the greatest efforts of the BEF, Airey Neave and Jock MacDonald - a David and a Goliath pair, the beaches of Dunkirk are stained with blood. Hitler looks upon the White Cliffs with unsurpassed wrath in his heart and initiates Operation Sea Lion. Britain, bruised but not broken, looks to the brave pilots of Fighter Command for protection.

On the sea, as in the air, Britain fights on with the convoys of the North Atlantic keeping her in the war, delivering essential supplies and weapons for the RAF in the Battle of Britain, despite relentless U-Boat attacks. But just as all seemed was lost Churchill plucks the island nation from the jaws of defeat. Hitler’s plans for an invasion falter and crumble to ashes as his planes crash and burn. With Britain safe from invasion, Hitler’s ire grows and his thirst for vengeance at this further humiliation gives von Braun full access to Nazi Germany’s reserves of men and money, speeding the development of the weaponised rocket.

In May 1942 a chance sighting by a lone reconnaissance Spitfire of the RAF uncovers the secret Nazi rocket facility at Peenemünde that had been kept hidden for a decade, but as Britain’s intelligence services argue the credibility of the evidence, precious time ticks by while Hitler and his War Council decide to create chemical weapons for the V2 and birth the concept of weapons of mass destruction.

Approximately 100,000 words or 300 pages

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