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SYNOPSIS: With the Allies encamped on Germany's borders in the east and west Churchill orders Fleming's commandos of 30AU to conduct Operation Paper Clip - a secret mission to track down and apprehend or kill German Scientists deemed too valuable to fall into Soviet hands.

The first name Patrick Dalzel-Job's in the little black book is Wernher von Braun - the mind behind the V2 rockets. But on opening the book and seeing the name Job realises there is a conflict of interest that he puts to one side to deal with when or if it becomes a problem.

Fleming captures and turns an Abwehr agent sent to kill him and redeploys him back into the burning wreck of his homeland to help the men of 30 AU track von Braun and his colleagues.

As the one thousand year Nazi Reich shrinks the SS leave death and destruction in their wake.

Expecting to find Wernher von Braun in the tunnels of Mittelwerk but instead the men of 30AU discover the misery of Mittel-Beau Dora slave labour camp.

In an attempt to prolong the Axis of Evil Hitler sends 'Wunderwaffe' parts and scientists to Japan on a U-Boat but the 'boffins' at Bletchley Park are listening. Churchill orders the U-Boat to be stopped at all costs while the IG Farben chemists marry a chemical warhead to the V2 rocket.

A game of cat and mouse develops as Job desperately seeks von Braun before the Americans, the Soviets or the SS get to him first.

In America President Truman orders Project Trinity to continue after the death of Franklin Roosevelt who so desperately pushed for Operation Paperclip to prevent the Nazi engineers and scientists from falling into Soviet hands. Hands that were now warm and welcoming but that would soon become cold and hostile as their common enemy vanished.

As the SOE hunted down the war criminals, Airey Neave discovers that the cost of liberty comes at price that the victims can not pay and so 'A False Liberty' covers the post war European landscape as high ranking Nazis are spirited away to the land of the free instead of the land of the dead.

Approximately 100,000 words or 300 pages

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