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My Books

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The Vengeance series is a saga that transcends the modern human era. In fact it begins as The Great War ends and takes us on a fictional journey through the rise and fall of the Nazis, the brink of nuclear annihilation during The Cold War and the strange new world created by Glasnost before it concludes with the Billionaires club of the 21st Century.


The first three books are ready for reading and I expect there will be another six, so there will be a trilogy of trilogies. Your journey, should you chose to read them all as I encourage you to do so, will be informative and exhilarating as you discover how our world has been shaped by a single moment in time that starts in in October 1918, just four weeks before the German surrender of World War One. 

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After Germany capitulates in 1918 a young German soldier, recovering from his wounds, vows for vengeance against Britain, and finally in 1933 succeeds in becoming the German Führer from where he can plan his revenge.

As the fascists secure power, Wernher von Braun, a young civilian scientist who, at the cost of his conscience, joins the Nazi Party and develops weaponised rockets as it appears to be the only path to his dreams of space travel.

As the rockets develop the political stability of Europe collapses as the fascists rise and attack. With Europe all but defeated in under twenty days Britain stands alone on the edge of invasion. Despite the greatest efforts of the BEF, Airey Neave and Jock MacDonald - a David and a Goliath pair, the beaches of Dunkirk are stained with blood. Hitler looks upon the White Cliffs with unsurpassed wrath in his heart and initiates Operation Sea Lion. Britain, bruised but not broken, looks to the brave pilots of Fighter Command for protection.  Read More...

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As the tide of war slowly ebbed away from Nazi Germany the Allies knew their victories in North Africa and Russia could easily be reversed, especially in light of new evidence that suggested Hitler was close to having weapons of mass destruction. Weapons so terrible that they could render London a mass graveyard with the push of a button.

Churchill was well aware of this threat despite dismissals from some of his senior advisors so he tasks Ian Fleming of Naval Intelligence to form a secret commando unit, 30AU, trained to garner enemy intelligence and then destroy it and anyone nearby with a focus on the Hitler's 'Wunderwaffe'.

In the air Bomber Harris launches a massive operation to destroy the V2 rocket facility at Peenemünde but Albert Speer, the Reich Minister of Armaments and War Production has other ideas. Read More...



With the Allies encamped on Germany's borders in the east and west Churchill orders Fleming's commandos of 30AU to conduct Operation Paper Clip - a secret mission to track down and apprehend or kill German Scientists deemed too valuable to fall into Soviet hands.

The first name Patrick Dalzel-Job's in the little black book is Wernher von Braun - the mind behind the V2 rockets. But on opening the book and seeing the name Job realises there is a conflict of interest that he puts to one side to deal with when or if it becomes a problem.

Fleming captures and turns an Abwehr agent sent to kill him and redeploys him back into the burning wreck of his homeland to help the men of 30 AU track von Braun and his colleagues.

As the one thousand year Nazi Reich shrinks the SS leave death and destruction in their wake.

Expecting to find Wernher von Braun in the tunnels of Mittelwerk but instead the men of 30AU discover the misery of Mittel-Beau Dora slave labour camp. Read More...

Coming Soon


book of the Vengeance Series coming soon

The fourth book takes the reader deep into the machinations of the Cold War where espionage and subterfuge follow the development of the arms race between the Superpowers created by Hitler’s demise. With democracy facing off against Communism the world stage is rigged for a tumultuous peace that is controlled by scientists hell bent on delivering weapons their political masters can threat their enemies with the proposal of Mutually Assured Destruction. 

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